Two tutorials will be offered at Diagrams 2010: 1) Drawing Euler Diagrams for Information Visualization, and 2) Diagrams: A Perspective from Logic. Participation in these tutorials is included in the basic registration fee.
Drawing Euler Diagrams for Information Visualization
The automated generation and layout of diagrams is key to the usability of visual languages. The techniques explained in this tutorial enable the automated generation and layout of Euler diagrams, as well as the enhancement of the layout of manually drawn diagrams.
Participants will be presented with an overview of different Euler diagram drawing methods, including their strengths and weaknesses. Various freely available software tools to support their use will be demonstrated. The tutorial will also discuss their use in information visualization, highlighting a range of areas in which they are helpful. Thus, the tutorial should make attendees more aware of the scope for Euler diagram application and the state-of-the-art tools available for their automated generation.
Details of the tutorial, including slides and links to software
can be found at
The Presenters
Diagrams: A Perspective from Logic
The major goals of this two-hour tutorial are to introduce and explain the techniques used by logicians to analyze reasoning with diagrammatic representations. The tutorial will proceed by first recapitulating the standard sentence-based approach to modelling reasoning, and then give a detailed presentation of the Hyperproof reasoning system. Hyperproof is a formal reasoning system, implemented as a computer application, for heterogeneous reasoning with diagrams and sentences.
The tutorial will be a mixture of lecture and workshop. Attendees will each receive a full copy of the Hyperproof program, and will be able to use this to follow along with examples on their individual laptops if they desire.
Attendees will gain a understanding of the questions asked by logicians when analyzing the properties of diagrammatic representations and the techniques used to reason with them. The three main questions concern: expressive completeness -- the degree to which diagrams can be used to represent information about a given domain; soundness of inference -- how we can guarantee the validity of conclusions reached by reasoning with diagrams, and completeness of inference -- the range of conclusions that can be reached by using those techniques.
The Presenter
He is the author of papers on automated reasoning, reasoning with diagrams, and architectures for heterogeneous reasoning. He co-edited the collection Words, Proofs and Diagrams, and was General Chair of the Diagrams 2006 conference.
Dave has taught computer science and logic at Stanford, Swarthmore College and Duke University.