See the Covid-19 page for more. The details below remain for information only.
Diagrams 2020 is the eleventh conference in the biennial series that
started in 2000, which provides a united forum for all areas concerned
with the study of diagrams.
The goal of the Diagrams 2020 Graduate Symposium is twofold. Firstly, the
Symposium will provide senior graduate students and recent Masters and
Doctoral graduates with the opportunity to present their research.
Established researchers will provide feedback and comments on each of the
presentations. Secondly, the Symposium will provide students with an
opportunity to network with each other as future colleagues.
In previous Diagrams Graduate Symposiums, lively and useful discussions have
enabled students to receive suggestions about their on-going research and
allowed more experienced participants to hear some fresh ideas and view some
of the new trends in the field.
Participants will be selected for the Graduate Symposium based on the
submission of a 3-page report describing their research (see the Submission
section). Submissions will be peer reviewed. Summaries of accepted
submissions will be available online on the conference website (as an
example, see Diagrams 2018 Graduate Symposium proceedings.
Submissions that focus on any aspect of diagrams research are welcome.
Topics of interest are the same as those given in the calls for papers for
the three conference tracks.
Students who wish to present their work at the symposium must submit a
3-page report describing
– the thesis topic,
– the approach being taken,
– the work that has been completed,
– the expected contributions of the research, and
– aspects of the work on which advice is desired.