We invite proposals for half-day or full-day workshops. These workshops will be held both before and after the main conference, on 18th June (Monday) and 22nd June (Friday). They will take place at the main conference venue, Edinburgh Napier University in the UK.
Workshops are expected to address topics that are of interest to the Diagrams 2018 conference attendees. These include, but are not limited to, the topics of interest found on the Calls page.
Examples of previous Workshops may provide some inspiration and guidance and can be found at:
* http://www.diagrams-conference.org/2016/workshops.html
* http://www.diagrams-conference.org/2014/workshops
* http://www.diagrams-conference.org/2012/content/workshops.html
Submission of Workshop Proposals
A workshop proposal must contain:
- A single page listing
a. the title of the workshop
b. the names and contact information for all organizers
c. a brief biography of the main organizer - A description of the topic and rationale for the workshop, including a brief description of why the workshop will be relevant to Diagrams 2018 conference attendees.
- A Call for Participation document of up to 500 words that can be used to advertise the workshop on the Diagrams 2018 conference website.
Workshop organizers are expected to distribute their call for papers and solicit papers for submission. Workshop organisers must ensure that paper submission deadlines are at least two weeks after those for the main conference. In addition, they are encouraged to set submission deadlines after the notification date for Diagram 2018 papers (i.e. 26th January, 2018). They must also notify authors of acceptance before the early registration deadline (late March, 2018).
How to Submit a Proposal
Submissions should be made by 4th October via EasyChair:
Important Dates
Workshop proposal submissions: 4th October 2017
Workshop notification: 13th October 2017